lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

My Magnificent Grandma, a Fire Fighter

Lisa Aumack was born in Oakland, California on July 8, 1948 in the Permanente hospital. Her mother is Peggy, and her father is Lew. She has one brother, whose name is Glenn, and one sister whose name is Holly. She was married to Bob Nagler but they got divorced. Her sons are Stefan, and Ethan, and she has one daughter, Candy. For the present moment she has two dogs living with her. Lisa has five grandchildren: Simon, Max, Brynn, Cassidy and Lupine.

My grandmother used to be a fire fighter, and this is a little story she told me:
 “One time our little fire department held a training for us. We were going to learn how to put out fires, better. We all sat in the living room of a house that we had permission to burn. All of us learned and saw how fire moved. We watched the fire move up the walls and then suddenly slash the ceiling. Don’t worry, we were wearing our protective clothing, oxygen tanks and masks. Then we evacuated and put out the fire. Back then I had a big job. I was a trained engineer, which means I got to pump water to, and out the hoses”.

Lisa went to Wasatch elementary in Provo, Utah for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade, after which her family moved to Roseburg, Oregon. She finished 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade at Sullerton elementary in Oregon. For junior and senior high, her family moved to Cliona, Pennsylvania to start Annville- Cliona- junior- senior- high school. She moved again to go to Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and had a year abroad in Norway, after that she stopped college to go to Cuba. Then Lisa married Bob and they moved to Eugene, Oregon. She finished college at the University of Oregon receiving her Bachelors, Master’s and Doctorate degrees in counseling. Shortly after that she had her first beloved son, Stefan Nagler Aumack.

Some of the awards Lisa received are: an Excellent Teacher Award, County Fair Prizes, and a scholarship for an essay about peace.

Lisa has traveled in the U.S.A, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Norway, East Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, Guatemala and Ecuador.

One of Lisa’s problems was when she was 18 years old and went to Norway knowing no Norwegian. She said “it was like playing Charades”. It was definitely a memorable experience!

Lisa has a saying for when you have a bad day: “Tomorrow is a new day”.

Lisa Aumack is brave, bold and very smart, and a thinker. She doesn’t give up, loves her family deeply, and she has lots of new, good ideas.

Lupine Aumack

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