lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

La Saharienne, 2016

By: Lupine Genevieve Aumack

            La Saharienne is made up of women competitors from Belgium, Canada, France, and Ecuador. This competition was located in Zamora, Loja and Vilcabamba, Ecuador. First, they were in Loja for running and climbing, then they ran and biked 40km from Loja to Vilcabamba, and finally in Zamora they kayaked on sit on top kayaks on the Bombuscaro/ Zamora river. La Saharienne started on November 7th, 2016 and ended on November 13th, 2016. The goals of this event were to have fun, travel, meet new people and also to get donations for AMAUTA SCHOOL. In order to make this happen, they had to have helpers and big tour buses for transportation.
            The first day of the competition was at AMAUTA SCHOOL. All the students prepared little flags with the countries painted on them with the art teacher, Julia Tapia Castro. The students stood by the trail, waved flags and cheered. The women were happy and pumped up by this. Some of the smaller kids were running up to them and giving their legs hugs. That slowed them down a bit.
            Puertas Abiertas was part of the fun. One Monday, half of the women came up to the school, which is a reserve, and did activities with the kids. For example, they showed the competitors how to make a traditional food from Ecuador, las empanadas. Also they made recycled art, and planted trees (a native tree, the Romerillo or Podocarpus.) Very fun for everyone!

            Julia Tapia Castro, art teacher, commented: “I think the visit was beautiful because we could meet a group of people who are supportive and help those who need it. It also helped them to know our school and reserve.”